We are committed to providing you with good, affordable, and simple solutions to pest control and fly control for livestock throughout the year. Our customers love us and we hope you do too! Read on, to learn more about our products.
Doctor Scratch Cattle Duster is an easy to use, low maintenance cattle duster that works in all weather and livestock of all sizes.
By placing the cattle duster in high traffic areas of your pasture, you'll quickly realize the benefits of using the duster as a source of scratching and pest control. The cattle duster dispenses dust onto your livestock as they rub on the hanging tube, providing pest control for a variety of pests such as horn flies, lice, and face flies. Unlike oil pest control - our products can be used in the winter, aren't messy, and provide equal dust application for all livestock. You also don't have to round up your livestock to tag them. Your cattle will want to rub on the cattle duster. The duster can handle bulls and hefers of all sizes and is low enough to attend to most calves. Each cattle duster can provide coverage for up to 100 cattle.
The cattle duster is an excellent addition to the exit area of your dairy parlor when used with Co-RAL 1% Livestock Dust.
Here at Doctor Scratch we are always continuing to further develop our products. Most recently we have replaced our previous gravity feed bag with a new poly tank pictured right. The tanks are manufactured from medium-density polyethylene with U.V. inhibitors. The tank walls are translucent for level viewing and will hold a 12 lb bag of dust.
Learn more about our duster from the manual. The new dust tanks require the regulator to be opened further than originally stated in the manual, we recommend the opening be set at half to fully open.

Co-Ral 1% Livestock dust
Co-Ral 1% Livestock Dust is for direct animal use on beef and dairy cattle against a variety of flies and lice.
- Can be applied to both beef and dairy cattle
- Effective control of the horn fly species as part of a fly control program
- Aids in reducing face fly population
- Available in dust kits (two 12.5 lb bags with hang-right dust bag)
Our face fly bags are made of tough burlap and gunny sack making them the most durable and effective face fly bags in North America. Pure quality that pays off with face fly control and pinkeye prevention in cows and calves. For best results, we recommend using our face fly bags with our mineral feeders.
Our mineral feeders are an industry leader. Feeders now feature a Polyethylene design for added durability and the ability to now hang your doctor scratch face fly bag completely external to the tub. They continue to provide the same great seamless feeding tub, wide base, and a wind vane to keep the feeder upright and always facing the right direction for your livestock.